The Rehabilitation Center “Les Glamots” in Roullet-Saint-Estèphe (near Angoulème, France) has placed its trust in Home Based and Soline!
The Post-Care and Rehabilitation Center “Les Glamots” in Roullet-Saint-Estèphe (Angoulème) called on Home Based to equip 7 rooms with Soline.
From now on, patients can ask Soline to call the nursing service and control the TV, lights and shutters in their room.
Soline's advanced voice recognition helps bypass any potential speech defects residents have.
In addition, tablets allow patients to control Soline by touch but also to surf the Internet and access all the current social networks using voice recognition !
Soline relieves the nursing staff who is no longer disturbed by trivial requests for comfort while restoring confidence to patients by proving to them that despite the trauma they have suffered, technical aids exist. These allow them to consider an "after" more serenely.
Home Based is proud of this large-scale installation, completed in January 2024, and warmly thanks the Glamots staff for their trust.
Home Based is one of the eight entreprises to receive this year's award.
Home Based won CAP48's 2023 Civic Entreprise Award in the "innovation" category as a recognition of Soline's ability to help people with severe disabilities.
We are very proud to have won this award which is the apex of 8 years of work dedicated to helping disabled people.
We thank CAP48 and RTBF heartfully for this award.
RTL-TVI's Waldorado TV show aired on May 8th, 2021 featured a report about Home Based and Soline !
Discover the full report dedicated to Home Based and Soline.
Meet a young couple using Soline every day and learn more about who's behind Home Based !
Announced at the press conference on October 28th, the partnership between Home Based and Distrac Group was formalised today.
Thanks to its experience, Distrac Group will be able to open up the institutional and nursing home market to Soline.
In the long term, the Distrac Group teams will also be able to install Soline.
A press conference was organised to officially present Soline Mobile. In these times of COVID, Soline Mobile helps caregivers 24/7 by relieving them of trivial tasks so that they can concentrate on the essential: care.
Given the lockdown circumstances, the conference was a success. The journalists present were very curious and we have no doubt that many articles will be published in the coming days and weeks.
Now is the time to tell you what we we were working on this summer to help people with loss of autonomy. Our new version of Soline has been mounted on a trolley so that it can be moved from room to room within an institution (hospital, nursing home, care institution, EHPAD, FAM, etc.).
Soline has been given an new feature: fully voice-controlled web surfing ! This is added to its other basic features (control of a television, telephone, nurse call, music, audiobooks, radio and visual interface).
Soline Mobile natively allows a person in loss of autonomy to control these functionalities by voice, in tactile mode, by switch and/or with an eye-controller ! In addition, it's ready to accommodate other modes of interaction: a wheelchair joystick, a telethesis, communication aid software, a mouse or gestural movements.
More information very soon!
Web browsing was one of the last features of the first version of Soline that had not yet been transferred to Soline 2.0. It is now done!
It took time to tune everything with the new possibilities of Soline 2.0, but at last, Soline once again supports voice-controlled web browsing ! This exclusive technology, developed by Home Based, specifically designed for people with reduced mobility, will allow you to navigate from link to link, to go from site to site, to explore social networks, to watch videos and listen to music online, not to mention email!
Thanks to Soline, an entire universe is once again accessible for the most dependent people.
You can find a video presenting internet surfing on our page videos
Home Based has just spent a week in France to distribute eight Solines but also to present Soline in various institutions with our partners.
Soline is being tested at the CMPR La Tour de Gassies in Bordeaux and at the Centre Hospitalier de Perpignan.
A demonstration was carried out in an establishment in Limousin as well as at in the Hopital Rangueil of the CHU of Toulouse.
Finally, the two Solines ordered in December for the CMPR of Pionsat were delivered.
Soline has been very well received everywhere by the nursing staff, acknowledging its obvious usefulness.
After having installed a first Soline at CMPR de Pionsat in Auvergne, the institution ordered two new Solines from us!
Convinced by the first Soline, installed in April 2019, the CMPR of Pionsat, managed by the foundation APAJH trusts Home Based once again.
These are two very special Solines since neither of those will be used for voice. For the first one, the control will be done entirely by eye. The second one will be controlled via the keyboard of a computer.
Home Based has of course taken up the challenge to allow these two residents to regain a degree of autonomy.
Soline in demonstration at the Autonomic show in Lille, thanks to our partner Domea Conseil.
After a first appearance at the Autonomic trade fair in Rennes a few weeks earlier, the French public discovered the features and possibilities of Soline. Numerous demonstrations and tests with visitors allowed them to see what a great tool Soline could be in their lives.